Zhivo сenter is located on the territory of the «Anastasia» ecovillage under construction.
Time from 25 June till 20 July 2023 (any number of days).
Accommodation + food 40 EUR per a day
Accommodation + food + 1 hour Healing 85 EUR per a day
Accommodation: wooden houses with a stove, a shower and a toilet.
Food: Mostly vegetarian food
Around: Ural mountains, 3 lakes, a river, a huge forest
Lessons: Personal or group teachings 45 EUR 1 hour
Healings: Shamanic healing, healing of internal organs, correction of the spine, treatment of chronic diseases, rehabilitation.
Visa: You need around 3-4 weeks to arrange visa to Russia, you send me copy of your travel passport, i will send back touristic invitation for visa.
Transport: Flight "Turkish Airline" to Turkey (Istanbul) then by Aeroflot.com to Yekaterinburg. Other option fly via Dubai. Europe - Istanbul - Yekaterinburg. The cost of the flight is about 500-700 euros Transfer from airport to Zhivo 50 EUR