So, let's return to the central figure of shamanism, the shaman. What are his attributes and qualities? Let's try to list them briefly:
1. Since a shaman is an intermediary between the worlds of spirits and people, he must be appointed or chosen by the spirits themselves. In almost all peoples of the world, where shamanism has been preserved as a cultural phenomenon, shamans necessarily go through the stage of the "shamanic sickness", the result of which is the symbolic "death" of the chosen person and his "birth" already as a shaman.
2. A shaman is necessarily endowed with the ability to move between worlds in order to fulfill his mission and obligations to relatives and society.
3. The shaman, as a rule, has a special costume and attributes like drums and magical items with which he maintains interaction with spirits. The shaman's activity consists of traveling to other worlds, "diplomatic negotiations" and "battles" with hostile spirits and other shamans.
4. In order to successfully solve the function of an intermediary, a shaman must be a carrier of cosmogonic knowledge and a deep connoisseur of folklore, he must represent in detail the structure of the visible and invisible worlds, know their rules. In the past, shamans were among the most literate and informed people among their tribesmen.
5. Since, regardless of the shaman's "professional inclinations", healing is the basis of shamanic practice, he must know human anatomy and physiology and have the ability to "psychoanalysis".
This is the set of signs a real shaman should have. Moreover, gender does not affect shamanic power in any way, strong and weak shamans were found among both men and women.