Learn to understand your emotions
The first step to reducing anxiety is recognizing when you start to worry. According to research, people calm down much faster if they sense the onset of an anxiety attack, don't get influenced by it, and try to fight it. The brain switches to rational thinking and the wave of worry recedes.
Take a deep breath (more than one is better)
By inhaling slowly and deeply through your nose, you reduce your body's response to stress. Yes, this tip isn't the most original, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work. When you get stressed out, your breathing and heart rate increase. If you start breathing deeply, you'll signal your body that you're relaxed and it will calm down.
Think about the present
If you start to feel your thoughts drifting into the past or future and it makes you nervous, immediately try to come back to the present. It is in the here and now that you are okay. Your thoughts can create a sense of danger. By stabilizing them, you bring your nervous system back to normal.
Pay attention only to what you can control
In every situation, your brain craves control. Even an illusory sense of control reduces worry, anxiety, and even pain. So to avoid the opposite reaction, you need to focus only on the things you can control. Never do you need to model worst possible scenarios or anything else.
Make decisions even if you don't want to make them
Making a decision, any decision, even the smallest one, switches your brain into a rational environment. As a consequence, it stops succumbing to emotions. In addition, after making a decision, your mood and self-esteem will rise, which is also very important.
Settle on a “good” evaluation.
Sometimes the cause of excessive anxiety is unrealistic or idealized expectations. You don't have to strive to be the best parent. Just be a good one. You don't have to send your child to study at the best university. Just let him or her study. You don't have to look your best. Just be yourself.