Not many of the animal world can boast such a versatile character and sphere of personal interests. One of such “universalists” can be called a beaver. His natural occupations are not limited to only one element, he feels great both on land and in water. This same property is realized in people under the aegis of the Beaver. Sometimes it seems that they do not care at all what is going on around them and in what conditions they work.
The ability to act in the elements of Water and Earth endows the totem with the ability to point a person to the right choice from a difficult situation. The alternative is the ability to always come out with minimal losses, or to multiply something good several times over.
A person with the totem of the Beaver achieves his goals, realization of his projects and plans. At heart, he is an artist, creator and poet. However, Beaver will not give offense to himself or his creations. He values his children most of all.
Totem animal Beaver teaches a person to analyze the events around him and the possibility of choosing an exit if the circumstances are not happy. Often people with this sign possess a calm character and systematically move towards the goal. The main character trait brought up beaver in a man can be considered a great fulfillment. It is this quality and elevates the master of the totem to a great height. Because any performer who is able to correctly understand the task and fulfill it without special problems, is doomed to continued success in all areas of life.