06 June Start of Training
"Realization of Destiny"

Feeling anxious because you don't understand your goals or have unclear guidelines? Do you think that you haven't matured a plan “for life”? Trying yourself in different directions, but failing, not getting satisfaction from it? Are your hands down from constant failures?

Then it's worth it to stop and understand yourself.

To be happy, you need to understand your purpose and bring to fulfill your unique internal energy charge.
You will be able to live a fulfilling life, bringing satisfaction, joy, financial independence, doing what you love, as well as doing good for the world.
It is for this purpose that I have created a unique training “Destination Realization”.
How the training will be useful to you:

  • You are aware of your deepest desires;
  • Formulate the IMAGE of the future you are striving for;
  • Understand the fundamental PRINCIPLES of revealing your purpose;
  • You will undergo deep psychotherapeutic work to ELIMINATE internal OBSTACLES and limitations;
  • Unlock your internal resources and concentrate them on achieving what you want;
  • In practice you will discover your purpose.

Teaching plan:

4 lessons per week via Zoom (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday). Each lesson is 2 hours. If you are unable to attend, you will receive a recording. The training will take place for 1 month as an intensive.

You can book your place now, make a prepayment of 10 EUR (If you change your mind, the payment will be refunded).