The Sacred Hunt: The Cult of Hunters Among the Altaic People

The cult of hunters among the Oirot-Altaic people is expressed in a special respectful attitude to wild animals. The spirits of many wild animals were believed to be equal to human spirits. Each clan-seok of the Altai people had its common ancestor, the founder of an animal or bird, whose spirits guard and protect them from evil spirits and all kinds of dangers.

Therefore, each person treats the animal or bird of his seok with special reverence and respect. For example: Tolos treated deer with caution during hunting. They did not shoot the leader and females that would calve in the spring. Before cutting up the carcass hunters spoke words of forgiveness to the spirits of deer, guardians of taiga, etc. When cutting up the carcass, they were careful about the place where the bullet or arrow had hit. The owner did not give this part to anyone.
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There were taboo prohibitions for hunters. Shooting a deer that appeared to be the most special and beautiful, with large antlers, meant shooting the “guardian of the taiga”, the consequence of which could be misfortune or death for the hunter or someone in his family. It is the same with a number of other wild animals

In order not to arouse the anger of the “spirits” of bears, wolves, lynx, leopards and other dangerous animals, they called them by other revered names - “Abaai”, “Abaga”, “Shtslzztsn” etc. In fairy tales they were kings, leaders of the whole animal world of Altai.

A special hunting cult is performed during otter hunting. A hunter can shoot only one otter during a year or more than a year. Where the hunter has hunted the otter prey is left on the prepared place for three days. “Otter spirit” is ten human ‘souls’, i.e. lives, so within three days they must leave the otter and go into the taiga. Thus the hunter guarantees the safety of himself and his relatives. Otter skin is cut into strips, which are used to border the national hat made of fox, musk deer, lynx and sable legs. To cut strips two fingers wide they find elderly women-mothers in good health. Not every woman dares to take such a step. If they have had misfortunes or losses of loved ones in the coming years, they do not agree and do not take it into their hands.

The cult of Altai hunters is so rich that it requires research works and descriptions. These are numerous incantations, good wishes, prohibitions, omens, dreams, etc., which make up a unified system in the cultural-spiritual and educational process of society. The loss of these values during the Soviet period led to poaching and mass destruction of many species of wild animals.
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