This practice requires only 10 minutes, but its effect is enormous. It will help you regain your energy and boost your natural immunity.
Take a body position so that you can comfortably place your hands at chest level (for example, use your desk). Next, you need to bend your arms at the elbows, as schoolchildren do when sitting at a desk. On top of your hands, lower your head, resting on your forehead, and fix yourself in a comfortable position. It is important to lie down in such a way that the neck at this moment was maximally stretched.
This is an ancient pose, it is in it that people used to rest, especially shamans. It has proved itself perfectly, and those who use it now, only confirm the effect. When you perform the exercise, there is an increased supply of oxygen to the brain. At the moment when you close your eyes and abstract yourself from external stimuli for 10 minutes, the nervous and immune systems are fully restored. After such simple actions you will rise from this position and notice how your face suddenly has a smile and a healthy blush, your mood is cheerful and you are ready to cope easily with any life situations. Make sure by doing this effective exercise right now! And after - teach it to your family and friends.