Different peoples have different ways of determining who should become a shaman. The main methods are considered to be inheriting the profession of a shaman and being called by nature. For example, among the Altai people, one can become a shaman by choice, while among the Tungus people, it is based on the will of the clan. When the choice is made by the clan, the primary focus is on the ecstatic experiences (trance, visions, dreams) of the candidates. If a candidate lacks such experiences, his candidacy is simply not considered.
A shaman is only recognized after undergoing double mentoring, which is given by the spirits in the form of dreams, visions, and trance instructions, as well as by experienced shamans who pass on shamanic techniques, knowledge about spirits, and the genealogy of the clan. Such mentoring, sometimes happening publicly, is equivalent to initiation. However, this ritual can also take place without the involvement of people during dreams or trance states.
Among the Mansi (Voguls), shamanism is passed down through inheritance, sometimes even through the female line. A future shaman is identified among his peers from a young age. He may experience epileptic seizures, which the surrounding community interprets as encounters with spirits. The Khanty people recognize shamanism as hereditary, but the supreme deity endows a person with the necessary abilities and teaches him through visions and dreams.
The inheritance of shamanism among the Siberian Samoyeds is quite interesting . After the death of a father, his son carves a wooden hand through which the predecessor's abilities are passed on. However, being the son of a shaman is not enough. One must also be accepted and endorsed by the spirits.
The Nenets determine a shaman on the day of his birth. As the candidate grows up, signs of his destiny begin to manifest strongly: visions appear, the person starts singing in his sleep, and enjoys solitude. After this period, the candidate must contact an old shaman for training.
The Yakuts do not consider the gift of shamanism hereditary. In their beliefs, after a shaman's death, the guardian spirit, Emegen, does not disappear. It tries to find incarnation in one of the family members. The transformation occurs as follows. The chosen person becomes uncontrollable, then loses his mind and runs off into the forest. There, he feeds on tree bark, throws himself in the fire and water, and self-harm with knives. The chosen one's family seeks help from the old shaman, who takes on the training of the young person and introduces him to the spirits of different clans, methods of invoking them, and mastering them. But this is only the beginning of initiation, which includes numerous ceremonies.
The Trans-Baikal Tungus trust the dreams of a future shaman, in which the spirit of a deceased shaman must appear and order him to perform his functions. However, this declaration must be accompanied by clear mental disorder.
Among the Tungus people of Tura, the evil spirit Khargi appears in dreams to a person who is destined to become a shaman. Khargi performs shamanic rituals, and the candidate, taking advantage of this, learns the secrets of the shamanic craft.