The rules of controlling your life and destiny

Happy in life are those who try to think positively, easily letting go of negativity and not allowing it to affect life. If there are some negative emotions, resentments, problems - it is very useful to let them go, giving up wishing evil to other people and focusing on the good things we want in the future.

What we think about will happen to us, including what we wish for others. So, if we wish evil to another person because of some negative emotions, we program our life and future for the same. And vice versa. If we wish others good and success, we unconsciously psychologically prepare ourselves for the same pleasant events.

If we have some habitual algorithm of actions, the result is often simply programmed by the process itself. The world develops through mistakes and random events, not through the habitual. Fate throws us the possibility of new choices only through random events.

Accordingly, in order to change something in your life, it is often worthwhile to trust “chance” and remain open to new possibilities. For example, take a different route to work at least a few times a month, visit places you've never been, and meet new people from new areas.

And if we're going the wrong way, it gives us signs. We just have to be able to see and understand them. What is a sign? It is an unlikely event that for some reason happened right now, when we are making a decision. And the less probable it was for us, the more important this sign is.

For example, illness and injury often symbolize that we are going the wrong way. Going for false goals, following other people's attitudes, instead of making efforts for our own happiness. And so our unconscious is trying to hold us back. And if we don't listen to it, the unconscious will eventually try to turn us off altogether.

We only own what is actually earned through labor, time, knowledge, care

This is actually an extension of the law of conservation of energy. If each of us takes for ourselves only what we have actually earned, harmony will be preserved. And vice versa, violation of this law will lead to a non-equilibrium state in the system, and this system in any complex way will come to equilibrium, taking from some and adding to others.

And so, if we take goods or resource that do not belong to us, fate will take them away from us to restore the natural balance. Based on this rule, if for some reason we have received more than we deserve, it means that for some reason the Universe, through us, wants to distribute it to those who, in our opinion, need it.

For some reason our value system or environment is more suitable for redistribution. And fate will somehow tell us who exactly needs to be helped. In fact, by following this law, we warn ourselves against negative events. Fate will be more favorable to us.

It is very useful to completely refuse from evaluative statements and judgments, and the more so to beware of giving advice to others

When we give advice to another person, they often have the illusion that we know the right answer better. While this certainly cannot be the case. The right answer and decision depends on so many subjective and unknown factors that we can never properly assess and understand the situation from that particular person's perspective.

On the other hand, it allows him to shift the responsibility for his decisions to us. If we are asked for advice, our task is simply to expand the list of possible visible options for such a person and help him find the pros and cons of each option. And then his life experience, logic and intuition will choose the best option out of all possible for him.

The same mistake is the evaluation judgments. By giving an assessment, we program a person. In addition, evaluation can often destroy even good relationships. Therefore, instead of saying to someone - “you are bad”, it is worth learning to talk about the feelings we experience as a reaction to the actions of another person.

Try to find the flow and get into it

When we give advice to another person, they often have the illusion that we know the right answer better. While this certainly cannot be the case. The right answer and decision depends on so many subjective and unknown factors that we can never properly assess and understand the situation from that particular person's perspective.

On the other hand, it allows him to shift the responsibility for his decisions to us. If we are asked for advice, our task is simply to expand the list of possible visible options for such a person and help him find the pros and cons of each option. And then his life experience, logic and intuition will choose the best option out of all possible for him.

The same mistake is the evaluation judgments. By giving an assessment, we program a person. In addition, evaluation can often destroy even good relationships. Therefore, instead of saying to someone - “you are bad”, it is worth learning to talk about the feelings we experience as a reaction to the actions of another person.

Our abilities are revealed when they are really needed

This is how the human brain works: only those abilities are revealed that are needed at a given time to realize personal goals and survive.
Many people spend dozens of hours to learn English. But if they don't really need it, it will be quickly forgotten and the time spent learning it will be wasted. But if the language is really necessary and vital, it is mastered more easily and quickly.

Our dreams do not come true before we are ready for them

If we do not get what we dream about, then fate protects us from it, because we are not ready for it. For example, a car that we are not ready to keep and maintain. The question arises, what should we do then?
Prepare and do what you can. And gradually achieve a state of things in which the outcome we need cannot fail to happen.

In essence, it is about managing what we can manage: ourselves, our actions, will, mind. And then we stop blaming the whole world for our failures and realize that all the responsibility for the events that occur in our lives lies with us. And those events happen to us, for which we are ready and worthy.

Our unconscious will always choose the best option available

The more options we have for solving a situation, the more correct option our unconscious will choose. Therefore, our task is to expand the number of possible options for comparison and choice. At the same time, we should take into account that if some option is artificially unavailable, the brain concentrates on it, presenting it to us as special - and implicitly pushes us towards it.

In fact, we often seek not so much this option as our right to realize it. Therefore, when we get something that was unavailable before, it is useful to re-evaluate all available options for solving the problem.

A man is made by a woman

Nature has arranged it so that a woman is both a launching pad for a man and a bar for a jump. On the one hand, she gives a man the necessary energy, provides coziness and conditions for recovery. On the other hand, it is the woman who sets the bar for a man's development.

If, for example, a woman's previous man was successful, she will pass this success to her next partner. And vice versa, having left an alcoholic, she often by her behavior creates conditions for the new spouse to go into alcoholism. A man's task is to find a woman who will set him a super goal in life. And a woman's job is to find a man who will jump to the bar.

It's very helpful to consider that there are some things that you just never have to think about

There are ideas and events that you just don't need to think about or know about. For example, about how we are going to die. Or who your partner was in a relationship with before you. You don't need to know how she tidies up in the boudoir or what texts and who he/she texts. All this will not be useful, but can poison your life and destroy relationships with loved ones.

It is better not to know unnecessary and avoid becoming a witness to the negative actions of others. We forgive those who have made mistakes. But we hate those who witnessed our mistakes. Therefore, it is better to avoid such situations ourselves.
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