Happy in life are those who try to think positively, easily letting go of negativity and not allowing it to affect life. If there are some negative emotions, resentments, problems - it is very useful to let them go, giving up wishing evil to other people and focusing on the good things we want in the future.
What we think about will happen to us, including what we wish for others. So, if we wish evil to another person because of some negative emotions, we program our life and future for the same. And vice versa. If we wish others good and success, we unconsciously psychologically prepare ourselves for the same pleasant events.
If we have some habitual algorithm of actions, the result is often simply programmed by the process itself. The world develops through mistakes and random events, not through the habitual. Fate throws us the possibility of new choices only through random events.
Accordingly, in order to change something in your life, it is often worthwhile to trust “chance” and remain open to new possibilities. For example, take a different route to work at least a few times a month, visit places you've never been, and meet new people from new areas.
And if we're going the wrong way, it gives us signs. We just have to be able to see and understand them. What is a sign? It is an unlikely event that for some reason happened right now, when we are making a decision. And the less probable it was for us, the more important this sign is.
For example, illness and injury often symbolize that we are going the wrong way. Going for false goals, following other people's attitudes, instead of making efforts for our own happiness. And so our unconscious is trying to hold us back. And if we don't listen to it, the unconscious will eventually try to turn us off altogether.