Masks as Symbols of Power and Protection

Masks are among the most mysterious and mesmerizing things that exist in the world. They were in ancient times, they are still there today, they were worn by people and deities. Masks conceal appearances and reveal the true essence. The contradictory nature of masks at all times attracted people, attracted them to the mysterious world of transformations.
Stones for divinations
In shamanism mask is nothing but a means of obtaining qualities or skills of non-human origin. Obtaining qualities can occur during the rite of invocation - calling the spirit into the human body to obtain power. For example: Scythian shamans had masks dedicated to different deities. Thus, wearing the mask of the God of War, a Scythian magician identified with him, helping warriors to win victories. Greek chroniclers, telling about the wars with the Scythians, mention that their shamans possessed the powers of deities, were able to send sandstorms and thunderstorms into the enemy camp and give their warriors courage and fortitude.

Under the force of non-human origin means the force of Deities, Spirits and energies, which are manifestations of the qualities of the universe and have a physical representation in the form of graphic signs. These include runes, pentagrams, seals, solar symbols and other signs. So, putting on the face of the seal of the magical order, gives its bearer protection, patronage and strength of the order.

The longer a person wears the mask, the more he or she will become like the spirit whose mask he or she wears. But not all spirits are allowed to try on their guises and signs. One of the Chinese legends tells the story. A mother and daughter, earned their living by taking everything valuable from dead soldiers. One day they found a richly dressed dead general with a mask of the God of War on his face. The women took it for themselves along with other trophies. When it was time to go "fishing" again, the mother put on the mask and felt a great strength. Time passed. Every time the mother put on the mask, the women had good luck, but the mother became tougher, more aggressive and more powerful, and it became more and more difficult for her to remove the face of the God of War. One day, it happened that the mother could not remove the mask. The face of the God took hold of the woman and killed her. This is what happens to those who take power unjustly and use it for selfish and base purposes.

Returning to the topic of the duration of wearing a mask, it should be mentioned that they are temporary and permanent. Temporary masks are those that after a ritual or other action can be removed or washed off the body. They were made of wood, metal, feathers, cloth, paper, paint, charcoal and ink on themselves. Permanent remain for life, in the modern world they are called simply - tattoos. Mask-tattoos can tell a lot about their owner, his outlook, social group and status. In addition, they helped to follow the chosen path, protected from evil charms, protected from disease. For example, the Chukchi and Eskimos tattoos protected the skin of open parts of the body from frostbite and irritation, which could be caused by salty sea water.

Besides, masks are also a means of getting out from under the influence of the human egregore. Have you often heard the phrase "to be like everyone else" or the phrase "not like everyone else"? Both expressions illustrate the formulaic thinking of mankind - either with everyone or against everyone, there is no third. Whether we want it or not, all mankind thinks in the same categories. Carl Jung wrote about it in his works, calling these categories archtypes. So, a person cannot invent something new, neither in his behavior, nor in his way of life, nor even in the ideas that he has in his head, until he gets out from under the influence of the energy field that is unified for all mankind. A shaman can become a shaman only when he realizes that he is no longer a human being, but a being of a different nature, thinking in universal categories and knowing that he lives forever. This applies not only to shamans, remember the Celtic warriors - invincible, fearless, faithful to their divine guardian.
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