The Mystical Power of Shamanic Mirrors: Tools of Protection and Healing

Mirror helps a shaman to “see the world”, i.e. to concentrate, to “localize spirits” or to reflect the needs of a person, etc. In shamanism, it is one of the shaman's guardians. In the Mirror reflects all the evil of the Lower World and thus destroys itself.

Toli - the most common tool of shamanic utensils, which has a multipurpose function. Shamanic mirrors can have different shapes and patterns on the reverse side, but the most important distinguishing feature is the reflective surface, which is able to reflect any negativity.
Shamanic mirror
According to the beliefs of many peoples of Siberia, in the Shaman's mirror is the main Spirit Helper of a shaman, an ancestor, it is he does not allow all kinds of evil to enter the shaman's soul. Shamanic mirror should be stored in special conditions, ideally a bag (blue or red color), but only from natural materials, silk, linen ... Also they must be cleaned from time to time to mirror shine, so that mirrors have not lost their ability to reflect and protect their owner.

Shamans try to collect as many mirrors as possible because of their inherent great protective and energizing power. Mirrors are attached to a shaman's coat: on the chest, on the back, under the clothes and over it. Mirrors have the property to constantly absorb and accumulate energy of any frequency, as well as to radiate it.

In ancient times, mirrors were not trivial household items. Some served as talismans, others performed ritual functions, there were even acoustic mirrors. Incendiary mirrors with a concave surface focused into a narrow beam the rays of the sun, which could set fire to hemp or twigs. With their mirrors, shamans collected dew at night and added it to sacrificial dishes and medicines. Then shamans with the help of these potions and again mirrors treated tribesmen. At the end of the rite one can put three mirrors along the axis of the body of a lying sick person and leave him in this position for 30 minutes. The mirrors will correct and strengthen the energy current in his spiritual body.

After healing the mirrors are cleaned by washing them with arshan (healing water, which is “conjured” by shamans with special prayers), fumigated with artysh (juniper) or thyme and set in the sunlight. For how long? There is no exact figure, because each mirror is an individuality).

The convex reflective mirror surface is cast in light bronze. In normal daylight, if you hold the mirror in your hand, it is no different from an ordinary mirror, but under bright sunlight through its reflective surface you can “look through” and see the patterns and hieroglyphics on the back side.
Mirrors remember everything that happened in front of them. There is a rational grain in this statement. In any case, some physicists believe that all images are frozen in mirrors at the molecular level, and someday people will learn to read this information.
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