The ram symbolizes the element of fire, passion, ardor of nature and sensual intensity. The ram has a pronounced male energy, impulsive, strong and stubborn. Depending on the person possessing the energy of the horned beast, the ram can be both a creative sign and destructive: its power is used in different ways. The ram occupies a special position in the world order: is a link between the world of the living and the dead. Often the karmic purpose of people of this totem lies in the completion of unfinished business of their ancestors. These people are pleasant in a personal way, somewhat pedantic and untimely, but that is their main charm. Baran does not like to move and move, these people live by the principle of “where I was born - there and useful”, rarely leave the family nest. The exception may be people whose parents took them away from the ancestral lands of the ancestors of the family. In any case, resettlement for the ram, separation from his native land is a huge stress, which is unlikely to bring much happiness. Family for the ram is the highest value, there is nothing more important than relatives and the cult of honoring ancestors. These people strive to maintain good relations even with distant relatives, and with the people closest by blood often live in the same house. The ram has the characteristic of submitting to the opinion of the majority. His character is described as malleable, submissive, which means the primary role of leadership and team in the professional fate of such a person. With a competent leader, rams achieve good results.