I followed the healing-organs education because I thought it was time to give this to myself and because I really wanted to learn more about healing and the organs. Also to use this as a former physiotherapist in the future.
This was a good choice! The training is very thorough, and very rich in knowledge. Well grounded, complementary and holistic.
It really looks deeper and depicts a structure that is enlightening and gives you insights into your own health.
My belly feels more relaxed despite a lot of stress in my life for quite some time, and I will continue with the different techniques we have learned. I learned to deeply feel my organs, my belly, and where my attention is needed. I now look at my organs in a different way and with this course I’m able to support them early on, instead of the frustration I could feel something aches inside. More respect and love is pouring into my body.
It is a lot of info but also doable well distributed over the days and weeks. The lessons are short and clear. I wrote everything down and often paused the lessons to note things down.
And Ahamkara just has a lot of knowledge and uses this no-nonsense, without the tralala around it. I love it!
All in all.