Scorpions are symbols of protection, transformation, independence, solitude and intelligence. They are also a symbol of death and rebirth, power, and represent lust, sex, and fertility. Although some scorpions have venom that can kill a person, many cultures have believed that scorpions can heal, helping a person start their life anew when they are on the verge of death. Scorpions use their stingers for both defense and hunting, and are almost always on the defensive, so they have come to represent the ability to protect themselves.
Encounters with scorpions have deeper meanings, depending on the culture. Scorpions are viewed in both a negative and positive light. On the one hand, coming into contact with someone who can initiate a transformation of the self by teaching you to accept your failures and find your inner strength. But on the other hand, an encounter with Scorpions could be associated with evil or the Devil; an evil being hiding in plain sight under the mask of something positive, who then uses its sting against you.
Those with the Scorpio totem survive in almost any situation. Regardless of the circumstances, they overcome them by using their restraint and resilience to wait for the right moment to strike back. The Scorpio spirit animal is meant to teach you the importance of letting go of negative circumstances, embracing your transformation, and finding the perfect balance between being alone and sharing that joy with others. When this totem appears, know that you are being guided toward self-defense, strength, and transformation.
People with the Scorpio totem are patient, intuitive and zealously protective of themselves and their loved ones. These people realize that life and death are part of existence and use this to their advantage for growth and development. Possessors of this totem are excellent protectors and healers. When the Scorpio totem appears in your life, it brings with it a sign of transformation, helping you to adjust to the changes that occur in your life and reminding you that the ups and downs of life are a normal part of its cycle.