Kuzungu: Shamanic mirror for divination and healing work

With the help of the Kuzungu mirror, a shaman conducts ceremonies, heals the sick and predicts the fate of a client.

If you work hard, you can find quite a lot of information about this shamanic attribute. However, now we will talk about its magical essence in a little more detail. The most important difference between kuzungu and many other mirrors is that it is a receptacle of the Spirit, the helper of a shaman. Therefore, owning only one of these magical tools, it is already possible to conduct rituals, to predict, to heal.
Shamanic mirror Kuzungu
Shamans have a very different origin, their level is different, the spirits they communicate with are completely different. Sometimes, a shaman communicates only with the spirits inside the mirror. And he has no other helpers. They can be so evil and dangerous for the shaman himself that keeping them inside the mirror, bound like djinns, is much safer, first of all for himself.

Kuzungu is both a means of defense and a means of divination

The mirror of a shaman is obligatory, as well as other his attributes, undergoes the rite of revival, and contains the Spirit, which is the helper of the shaman, he shows events, diseases, other spirits, the future, he also protects the shaman in his battles with hostile spirits.

A new shaman receives his first kuzungu from his Master. Which ensures the safety of his work in advance. And it is right.

Shamanic mirror, as well as in principle any mirror, is a portal, and therefore unsafe for ordinary people. You can object, and say: "in ancient times, such mirrors were worn by rulers, kings, and other important leaders of all kinds, who were not shamans."
Yes, they did. But in those times, it was common to turn to shamans, who planted in the mirror service spirit and directed its work for the benefit of man
Now, when there is a surge of interest in shamanism, and to the attributes of shamans, many people order mirrors and gladly wear them on themselves.
If the mirror is new, only cast, then at best it is just bling. But we understand that an artifact will not tolerate such an attitude. After all, this thing is supposed to show the status of its owner, his location in the spiritual and social world. And it will either pull up the status of an owner, or finally drop it. We can observe a similar picture in relation to a wide variety of objects, not just kuzungu. These are not “just things”, they are objects that sooner or later will be touched by the Force, and it would be good if these processes were controlled by that time.

The second scenario is that the mirror once belonged to a person of Power and now an ordinary person has become its owner. Accepted as a gift, found during excavations, bought, etc. And this mirror may not be empty at all... It continues to be a receptacle of Spirits. And therefore, an ordinary person who does not know how to communicate with spirits, how to make them offerings, runs the risk of becoming banal fodder for the spirits, having a shelter in it.
Divination on Kuzungu akin to divination on ordinary mirrors and crystal balls. In essence, as already written above, the shamanic mirror is a portal, moving in which you can see the past and future, events, people, their conditions, diseases, actions.

But Kuzungu has a specialty. Since it is inhabited by a Spirit, it will be the one who will be busy demonstrating what has been planned. It will also be able to see other spirits involved in certain processes and who may be somewhat unhappy that they were disturbed, taking the appropriate response and charging the “looker” very sensitive blows.

In this regard, Kuzungu is also a security amulet, which task is to protect a shaman during the ritual. Therefore, in addition to the Spirit of Kuzungu, shamanic mirror is often accompanied by protective jewelry, to it are attached eren, where spirits are placed for protection. Beads stones, chalomas, erenes everything has meaning and usefulness.

All of the written applies to a greater extent to mirrors with a reflecting surface. But there are also other mirrors, which are marked with signs and symbols, but there is no reflecting surface. In this case, oriented by the signs, the sides of the world. Or a shaman, falling into a state of trance and saying spells, opens the portal space and enters the place where he sees and hears everything perfectly, but for those who do not have shamanic knowledge and skill, this mirror is simply useless.
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