Saving the Soul: The Shamanic Rituals for Bringing Back Lost Life Energy

What is the loss or abduction of the soul and how does a shaman manage to save a person from near death? The soul is lost or stolen when a person changes internally. This internal change can cause distress, illness and even death.
human soul
Even an ordinary person can notice the changes, because a person who has lost his soul begins to behave differently than usual. Symptoms of soul loss can include restless sleep, apathy, drowsiness, and inattention. There can be an infinite number of such signs. The cause of such a change is some experience, situation, which a person cannot forget and mentally constantly returns to this experience, scrolls the situation. Surroundings cannot control such a person using the usual ways, and the person himself becomes unable to control himself.

In this position, the person's attention is focused on one subject. The person finds himself either in the past or in the future, and the present falls out. On a mundane level, it's pretty simple to explain. We can be knocked out by problems that suddenly appear in our lives.

The main criterion for soul loss is the disappearance of the inner power "utha". Some translate this word as soul, but this is not entirely accurate. "Utha" is the life energy of a person for which attention is a channel formed by the person's memories. When we pay attention to something, we share our energy with that object, event, experience. When we remember something that happened in our life, a part of our soul along with energy remains unattended in that past.

Besides humans, there are also spirits living in this world who need energy. It is this energy, left unattended but connected to a human being, that they eat. Gradually they can through an open channel empty a person completely, deprive him of energy. Then the person becomes sick or dies. Such cases are called soul loss with subsequent abduction. In its purest form, soul stealing is a purposeful action on the part of other people. It is quite easy to do. It is enough to remind a person of what happened, to bring him back to vivid experiences. This was done by black shamans who wanted to subjugate people.

But there is another interesting thing about soul abduction. Soul abduction is in other words the transfer of energy from one "vessel" to another. But the reverse process is also possible, when the victim becomes a predator. Everything depends on the inner strength. If a person receives the energy of the spirit, he receives a guardian spirit. If the attacker was a black shaman, and the person managed to redirect the process of energy absorption, the shaman dies. Most often this happens with shamans. It is enough for an ordinary person to interrupt the channel and restore himself with food, sleep and work. In the practice of shamanism different rituals are used to interrupt the channel. In general, it is believed that all means that can divert a person's attention from a vivid experience are good, even a mat.

A shaman may use, for example, such a ritual. The soul loser lies down on the floor, and the shaman prepares to travel for the lost part of the soul. Before this journey, the shaman breaks tension knots with his hands or a rattle and makes a diagnosis of the suffering person. Then he lies down close to the person and goes to the sounds of drums to the lower world. Traditionally this journey lasts from 15 to 30 minutes.

There, the shaman must find the suffering person's power animal, which symbolizes the lost part of the soul. A sense of recognition helps him identify the animal needed. If no such sense appears, the animal that appeared 4 times during the journey is taken. Cold-blooded animals and insects symbolize sickness, so they are not taken. When the animal of strength is found, the shaman enters into negotiations with it. He needs to get consent from the animal and get a message for the person who has lost his soul. The message should help solve the problem or cure. It can be a specific recommendation or a metaphor. When the message and the animal's consent to go to its master is obtained, the shaman presses the animal's strength to his heart and carries it away. It looks like tightly folded palms pressed against the chest. Inside this dipper is the energy of the animal.

To transfer the energy to the person, the shaman sharply puts a ladle of palms to his chest and blows through the slit between the palms the brought power animal. Then the same action of blowing in the energy is repeated through the person's head. "Holes" in the area of the head and chest, which appeared during this ritual of blowing in, are restored with the help of a rattle. Only then can the person stand up, and the shaman tells him about the power animal he has brought him, and delivers the message of the power animal.

All sorts of things happen in life, but in order not to lose the soul, we should watch our attention, be in the present, not in the past or the future.
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